Family Volunteers for Peace (FVP) Story Contest

Start Times (UTC 1:00PM)
Seattle (PST): 6:00AM
New York (EST) & Paraguay (PYT): 9:00AM
Brazil (BRT): 10:00AM
Mali & Sierra Leone (GMT): 1:00PM
Nigeria , CameroonNetherlands: 2:00PM
Zimbabwe & Botswana (CAT): 3:00PM
Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda (EAT): 4:00PM
India (IST): 6:30PM
Nepal (NPT): 6:45PM
Philippines (PHT), Malaysia (MYT) & Mongolia (ULAT): 9:00PM
Korea (KST) & Japan (JST): 10:00PM

Call for Essay & Video Submissions

Global Peace Women is hosting its first-ever Family Volunteers for Peace Stories Contest. We are inviting families from all over the world to join the contest. We would love to have your family participate! 
Share your Family Volunteers for Peace experience and spread the culture of family volunteering around the world!


Theme : [Family Volunteers for Peace]  Serve together. Grow together. Make a Difference Together
Mediums: Essay OR Video 
Submission Deadline :  Nov. 14.11:59pm UTC 
Eligibility: All families with family volunteers experience * Family volunteering is an experience of two or more people who consider themselves family (including extended family) spending time volunteering together. 
Prizes:  Gold: 1 family, $500 Silver(2 families) & Bronze(9 families) will receive a Gift 
All entrants will receive a Certificate of Recognition*All submissions entered into the contest will be posted online at our website at 
**GPW reserves the right not to award any prizes if submissions do not meet the requirements and expectations.

Winners will be announced on December 5, 2021 at the Award Ceremony during the Family Volunteers for Peace Festival*Runner ups will be notified prior to the December 5 ceremony. 

How to Apply: Email:      

Participation Guidelines

Essay Submission

1. Write your FVP story. 800 words or less in English & Spanish, 2,000 characters or less in Korean & Japanese It should feature your Family Volunteer for Peace experience.  Must be typed, with your name and title included at the top of the first page.There are no particular rules regarding formatting (font style, size, line space, etc.). However, it must be submitted in either MS Word (DOC/DOCX) or PDF format.       
* Your name and essay title are not included in the word count limit.

2.  Make sure to include the following: Details of your project: What was the issue you addressed? Describe your project (please include: when, where, what, to whom, how, why)? Which family members participated? A little about the experience creating and implementing the project.1-2 reflections from your family members. At least 2,3 good quality photos 

3. Judging Criteria:
- Understand the goals of Family Volunteers for Peace (20 %)
(Goals of FVP-create a culture of family service, develop a community of service to bring about peace, improve family relationships, solve local problems)
- The project was creative (15 %)
- Good family reflections (15 %) 
- Good teamwork (10 %)
- The written piece was creative (10 %)
- The quality of the written piece was good (15 %)Was the written piece inspiring? (15 %)                
* Contest committee will judge all FVP stories according to judging criteria 

4. Send your essay to

6. Runner-ups will be notified prior to the Family Volunteers for Peace Festival. Final winners will be announced at the Festival on December 5

5. Here are sample stories: 
(FVP Story No.1) “Sharing is Caring” A Family Volunteers for Peace Story from Nigeria(FVP Story 2021.2)
Serving our Community, Uganda
(FVP Story 2021.3)
Sharing Clothes, Community and Love, USA
(FVP Story 2021.4) Discovering New and Beautiful Things about my Family through Volunteering, Nepal (FVP Story 2021.6)
Video Submissions
1. Make a SHORT video
Length: 1min ~ 3min Language: English, Spanish, Korean and Japanese (subtitle language: English) It should feature your Family Volunteer for Peace experience. Video Format: MOV, MP4, audio included. When you made your video, state your name and country at the beginning.   Ex: Hi we are the (Family name) family from (country name). And we are participating in the Family   Volunteers for Peace Video Contest with Global Peace Women.

You can utilize many online tools, slideshow functions and apps to make creative videos. 

3.  Make sure to include the following details of your project: What was the issue you addressed? Describe your project(please include: when, where, what, to whom, how, why)? Which family members participated? A little about the experience creating and implementing the project.1-2 reflections from your family members

4. Judging Criteria:
- Understand the goals of Family Volunteers for Peace (20 %)
(Goals of FVP-create a culture of family service, develop a community of service to bring about peace, improve family relationships, solve local problems)
- The project was creative (15 %)
- Good family reflections (15 %) 
- Good teamwork (10 %)
- The video was creative (10 %)
- The quality of the video was good (15 %)
- Was the video inspiring? (15 %)

5. Send your videos to

6. Runner-ups will be notified prior to the Family Volunteers for Peace Festival. Final winners will be announced at the Festival on December 5

7. Here is a sample video from Ah-na Mira in the Philippines about her Family Volunteer for Peace project. 

Family Volunteers for Peace Stories

From Loss to Love: Tosang Chang’s Sunshine Family Story

'Family means putting your arms around each other and being there," Barbara Bush. In the midst of personal loss, Tosang and her family found strength in serving others who also were going through loss

Ms. Glice Acosta Celebrates her 50th Birthday through Community Service

“I have reached the golden year in my life, my 50 years of age. We did not have any grand celebration for my birthday, but seeing the smiles on their faces was as grand as having a festival already.”

From my Mother’s  Empathy and a Heart to Help: Amir Lama’s Family FVP Story

During Covid-19 lockdown in 2021, Amir Lama and his family distributed food relief to daily wage earners and labourers inspired from his mother's empathy and heart to help.

Sharing Poetry and Service with Families in Korea

The first Family Volunteers for Peace (FVP) Project Sampling meeting was held at the Global Peace Women office in Seoul, Korea on April 9.

Pierce’s FVP Story of Random Act of Kindness

Pierce Dae Hyun S Mira is a 9 years old boy from the Philippines. Regular family volunteerism and community service have passed on the culture of service to him and his siblings.

Dosol Nanum Farm and Tea House

Yeonsook Park's Family Volunteer Story