Advance Women's Leadership

Global Peace Women - Paraguay - Explore the Challenges and Compromises of Women’s Leadership

Wairimu Mwangi
May 27, 2024

In the evolving landscape of gender equality and empowerment, discussions surrounding women's leadership have gained significant traction. As societies strive for progress, women across the globe are navigating through myriad challenges, seeking to carve out their paths in various spheres of life.

At the beginning of April 2024, Area Mujer hosted a webinar that resonated with the essence of empowering women in leadership roles, shedding light on the intricate web of challenges and compromises they encounter. Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Paraguay and Global Peace Women (GPW) work collaboratively through Area Mujer to advance areas related to women and families in peacebuilding in Paraguay.

During the meeting, Dr. Selva Antonia Morél, a distinguished figure in Paraguay's public sector, a notable public defender, and former director of the Correctional Institution for Women in Ciudad del Este, shared her invaluable insights into the struggles and triumphs of women in leadership positions.

As Dr. Selva articulated, the journey of women's leadership encompasses multifaceted roles, transcending conventional boundaries imposed by societal norms. From being mothers to professionals, wives to grandmothers, women navigate through various stages of life, each presenting its unique set of challenges and opportunities. Her own trajectory exemplifies resilience and determination, as she navigated through the complexities of the public sector, advocating for the rights and dignity of women.

Central to the discussion was the issue of violence against women, a pervasive societal ill that continues to undermine progress toward gender equality. Dr. Selva underscored the importance of comprehensive legal frameworks, emphasizing the need for robust measures to address all forms of violence, be it physical, psychological, or economic. Through her experiences, she highlighted the critical role of public institutions in safeguarding the rights of women and ensuring their protection from harm.

Moreover, the discussion delved into the concept of accessibility to healthcare and economic opportunities for women. She passionately advocated for women's right to dignified healthcare, stressing the importance of non-discrimination and privacy in medical settings. Additionally, she shed light on the economic barriers that often trap women in abusive relationships, depriving them of financial independence and autonomy.

Women's leadership in contemporary times is indeed fraught with challenges and compromises. However, through collective action and unwavering determination, women continue to defy the odds and pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive future. As we navigate through the complexities of gender dynamics, there is a need to heed the call to empower, uplift, and celebrate the invaluable contributions of women leaders in shaping our world, working beside their male counterparts. The webinar served as a poignant reminder of the urgent need to dismantle barriers and empower women to assume leadership roles in all spheres of society. Dr. Selva’s unwavering commitment to justice and equality serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring women to defy negative stereotypes and pursue their aspirations with courage and conviction.