Global Peace Women

International Youth Day (IYD) is celebrated globally to recognize the critical role of young people in driving positive change and shaping the future of their communities and the world. It serves as a platform to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities faced by youth and to amplify their voices in various spheres of life. This year’s theme, “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World,” emphasized the importance of equipping young people with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle environmental challenges and promote sustainability.

On August 12, 2024, Sunshine Family Volunteers (SFV) marked International Youth Day with various impactful activities across different countries globally. The activities carried out by SFV volunteers across different countries, such as tree planting in Nigeria and community clean-ups in Bangladesh, directly aligned with this year’s theme. These initiatives not only empowered youth to take action on environmental issues but also fostered a sense of responsibility and unity, demonstrating the power of green skills in building a sustainable future.

At Global Peace Women we believe that youth are the key drivers to fulfill our ‘One Family under God’ vision. Dreaming big, living for the greater good, teamwork and ownership are the core values that all youth should have in their mind and actions for raising leadership. SFV activities are the best place for these young volunteers to experience the vision and core values firsthand and become leaders.

In Nigeria, SFV volunteers undertook several initiatives geared towards community service and environmental conservation. Dorcas Kadiri, leading the Eureka SFV Club in Bwari Abuja, organized a community clean-up and introduced SFV’s mission and vision to the neighborhood. “Promoting peace and unity through community service is an exciting activity and a way of extending love to our neighbors,” she reflected on the day’s efforts.

In Yola, Nigeria, the Unique Manga SFV Club, coordinated by Manga Ataitiya Elkanah, held a tree-planting event titled “Planting Trees for Friendship.” The initiative aimed at fostering unity in the community while addressing climate change. Volunteers planted trees, and discussed with the participants about the importance of environmental protection. The event concluded with a call to action for families and friends to contribute to saving the planet​.

In Kano State, Nigeria, the Wayout Family Club, coordinated by Sotonye Christy J Smith, organized a three-day youth empowerment program. The event, held at Kano State University of Science and Technology, Wudil, focused on building workable relationships that contribute to peaceful and exciting families. The program included concerts, empowerment nights, and mentorship sessions, equipping youth with the skills and knowledge needed to create positive change. Sotonye shared on the importance of raising and empowering youth, stating, “It is commonly known that youths are the future of every nation. Therefore, when we raise and empower youths, an entire generation is preserved.”

Daniel David Dalyop led the youth of COCIN RCC Turu, Jos, Plateau state in Nigeria, in an annual convention that coincided with International Youth Day. The event brought together young people from seven different communities, introducing them to the SFV Program and encouraging them to spread peace and love through various media. The convention included games and discussions that fostered unity and motivated participants to become active volunteers and agents of change in their communities.

In Bangladesh, SFV volunteers celebrated International Youth Day through activities that combined creativity with community engagement. Tahmina led a group of 20 SFV family members in a community clean-up and mural painting event. “Seeing our neighborhood shine brighter with each stroke of paint filled our hearts with joy. We believe in the power of youth to change the world – all it takes is love, compassion, and awareness,” she said, capturing the spirit of the day​.

In Sylhet community, a group of young teachers, led by Riyaz, organized a campaign and discussion event focused on the future role of youth in Bangladesh. The significance of Youth Day was emphasized, inspiring participants to take an active role in shaping the future of their country​.

In addition, Shakilur Rahman from Bangladesh arranged a meeting to celebrate Youth Day, focusing on the need for youth to lead the country’s recovery from recent violence. The meeting discussed strategies for peaceful nation-building and the role of SFV activities in this effort, concluding with a celebratory cake to mark the occasion.

In Thailand, Parichat participated in the Youth Forum 2024, where she introduced the concept of Sunshine Family Volunteering to a broader audience. She distributed flyers in Thai to encourage youth participation in volunteer activities. Her efforts aimed to inspire more young people to join SFV and contribute to their communities through meaningful volunteer work​.

The diverse activities carried out by SFV volunteers on International Youth Day highlighted the potential of young people to drive change. Global Peace Women supports and empowers the youth, recognizing their vital role in building a more peaceful and better world. Learn more about our work.
