Global Peace Women

Uplift Women’s Value & Dignity

Women hold a unique and valuable potential that is vital for social transformation. Men and women possess different, but complementary qualities needed for peace and development. 

Global Peace Women seeks to uplift these intrinsic values, inspiring women around the world to embrace their God-given gifts with confidence, self-respect, and love. We seek to engage women in this process, uplifting their inherent dignity and qualities, so that both, men and women, can participate in peace and human develpoment. When women recognize their true worth, they can contribute wholeheartedly to their families and the broader community, helping to create a more compassionate and interconnected global family.

Works to Uplift Women’s Value & Dignity

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs

Encouraging women and men to acknowledge women’s unique value they bring to families and communities, promoting respect and protection.

Uplifting Women Workshops

Encouraging women to acknowledge their innate value, build a sense of self-respect as the first step to love and respect others.

True Women Awards

Recognizing remarkable women leaders for their creative and unique contribution towards society.