Global Peace Women

“Empowering Resilient Leadership” is a project initiated by Global Peace Women (GPW) Uruguay chapter, which seeks to bring together staff of the educational, health, and child protection sectors to brainstorm on the most pressing issues of the population, with emphasis on children and adolescents.

On June 22, 2023, GPW Uruguay chapter held the first activity of the cycle in the Capital City of Florida-Uruguay. In this first discussion, the participants, led by psychologist Nibia Pizzo, developed the topic “Current problems and challenges in mental health”.

The event was supported by a group of women, “Somos Creativas-Somos Productivas” (We are Creative-We are Productive), who volunteer to make quilts to provide shelter to the less privileged. Among the participants were Uruguay national and departmental authorities, such as the Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Social Development, Mrs. Andrea Brugman, and the Deputy for the National Party, Mr. Álvaro Rodríguez Hunter.

From left to right: Mrs. Nancy Caula, Vice Minister MIDES Mrs. Andrea Brugman, Psic.Nibia Pizzo, Mrs. Adriana Urse, Mrs. Mariela Castro, Lic. Nancy Cappelli, Dr. Ana María Peñalva, Mrs. Mariel Pizzani and Mrs. Analía Machado.
The speaker and President of the Uruguay Chapter of GPW, received on behalf of the Chapter a recognition of GPW’s work, awarded by representatives of “Somos Creativas-Somos Productivas” and the Vice Minister of Social Development, Ms. Andrea Brugman.
From left to right: Ms. Nancy Caula, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Social Development, Ms. Andrea Brugman, President of the Uruguay Chapter of GPW, Psychologist Nibia Pizzo and Ms. Adriana Urse.