Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” The act of volunteerism has the power to foster empathy, compassion, and a sense of community, ultimately driving a culture of peace. The heart to help others also benefits the volunteer by bringing meaning and purpose to their life.
Christine Amutuhaire, a Sunshine Family Volunteer (SFV) coordinator from Uganda is one such person who has embraced the spirit of volunteerism. Earlier in the year, together with her family, the embarked on a mission to support the family of Nayigaga Monica, a single mother who lives in the Eastern part of Uganda. Monica’s family lives in poverty, and she struggles to raise her four daughters. Due to financial constraints, all her daughters dropped out of school, with the eldest, Thereza, having become a mom at the age of 14 years.
“Monica’s family was in dire need of support and encouragement,” shared Christine.
During the visit to the Nayigaga family, Amutuhaire’s family donated food items to them and spent time discussing important values for peace and development. They mentored the girls, teaching them about reproductive health. The Amutuhaire family conducted the visit with humility, love, and care, guided by their faith. Their genuine and friendly nature made a lasting impression on the Nayigaga family.
The project helped the participants better understand the challenges faced by the community’s vulnerable members, including poverty, illiteracy, and lack of resources. These reflections spurred the Amutuhaire family to continue their efforts by expanding their project, working closely with local leaders and organizations to advocate for support to improve and educate about women’s health, and access to sanitary pads.
Their experience informed profound reflections that fueled their commitment to positively impacting their community. Christine’s young son, Blair, was deeply moved by the situation of Nayigaga Thereza. He asked about her children and suggested that they pray for her and her family. Jireh, Christine’s other son, sought to understand the root causes of Nayigaga Monica’s family issues. He felt compelled to assist, believing their duty was to help those in need. Their genuine empathy and desire to help demonstrated the innate compassion and potential to promote peace that children possess.
Robert, Christine’s husband, recognized the need to collaborate with local leaders and organizations to find sustainable solutions for the challenges that families like Nayigaga Monica’s faced.
“Lasting change requires community involvement and the collective efforts of various stakeholders,” he said while highlighting the significance of collaboration and community engagement in fostering a culture of peace.
Through their volunteer project, the Amutuhaire family demonstrated compassion, empathy, and a commitment to uplifting those in need. By fostering a sense of unity, promoting education, and addressing critical issues such as reproductive health and child pregnancies, they created ripples of positive change that extended beyond Nayigaga Monica’s family. Their project exemplified the transformative power of family-driven initiatives in promoting peace and unity within a community. Their inspiring journey is a testament to the positive impact that even a single family can have on their community through volunteerism when guided by love, care, and a shared commitment to making the world a better place.