Global Peace Women

In May 2023, GPW conducted training sessions for our second batch of Sunshine Family Volunteers (SFV) coordinators. The two-day virtual training took place on the 27th and 28th, and the participants received training on the vision, mission, core values, goals, and projects of the GPW. SFV, one of the series of “Peace Begins in the Home campaign”, is the initiative of Global Peace Women to cultivate peace in their homes, communities, and world through serving together.

During the first training, 17 people participated, including 2022 coordinators, 2023 coordinators, and two staff members. A total of 13 participants attended the second training. Among the key benefits of being part of SFV highlighted during the training included that it helps participants nurture values like compassion, kindness, generosity, and social responsibility. In addition, while implementing their service projects, coordinators and volunteers can develop skills like critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving.

Welcoming the new SFV coordinators, Ms. Hanako Ikeno, GPW president, noted with pleasure that this year, the number of male participants integrated as part of SFV coordinators had risen to five as compared to the previous year who were two.

“While we are an international non-sectarian nonprofit organization, our main work is to build values-based models of empowering people as peacebuilders in families, communities, nations, and the world. Peacebuilding in families cannot happen with just women alone, as families are made of men and women, who essentially bring about the existence of sons and daughters,” she said.

While commissioning them as change agents in their societies, MS. Hanako encouraged the SFV coordinators to embody the principles of peace starting from them while manifesting this in all interactions and their work.

The participants discussed the values they should embody as SFV coordinators, including service to humanity, living for the greater good, ownership, teamwork, and dreaming big. They learned how to form SFV clubs in their local communities and implement their SFV projects. They had an opportunity to participate in pair discussions to share their goals for joining the initiative and the projects they planned to implement.

To date, GPW has trained a total of 26 SFV coordinators representing 13 different countries. From past projects undertaken by GPW SFV coordinators, it has emerged that volunteering has no limitations; everybody can be involved, and it significantly impacts our communities. SFV is effectively building better families worldwide, leaving lasting impact even years later.

We appreciate all our SFV coordinators helping us realize our vision of true women as service-minded people, working to realize One Family under God by building ideal families, communities, and a world of peace. To start your family volunteering experience or learn more about how to become a coordinator who is solving local problems and building peace, contact us via email: