Global Peace Women

GPF Nepal Uplifts the Dignity of Women in Nepal

International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on March 8th. To coincide with this day, the United Nations convenes the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) that was established to monitor the progress of the advancement of women and their rights. This year the CSW will be putting forth proposals for the “Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls.”

GPF-Nepal has been hard at work to do the same. They are partnering on the ground to raise awareness, and to ultimately change how women and girls are valued. Without such a transformation it will be difficult to curtail the violence goes on against women. Recent legislation against violence against women, has done little to curb reported and unreported incidents.

On January 5th, they organized a rally entitled “Voice Against Women’s Violence.” The rally urged people to raise their concerns for women and their safety. Partners included, Mrs. Kalyani Shah, President of SEWA Nepal; Ms. Dil Shova Shrestha, Founder of AamaKo Ghar; and Mr. Kamal Khatri, a renowned Nepali singer; have also joined and supported the program.

On 12th January, a radio interaction program was organized in Far Western Region, Dhangadi, against women’s violence. Ms. Nirmala Wagchan, President of Women’s Rights Network in Kailali District, and Mr. Suresh Karki, Regional Coordinator of GPA Nepal, Far Western Region discussed the issues about women and make the public aware of the value of women in the family and society.

But they are also engaging women in social work and community building. Global Peace Women (GPW) Nepal, an initiative of the Global Peace Association Nepal, commemorated Nepal’s 63rd Democracy Day on February 18, 2013 by organizing a blood donation campaign using the slogan “Give Blood, Save Lives.” First time donor and long time social worker, Mrs. Jintu Khanal said, “I believe that blood donation is a real act of living for the sake of others. I am very happy that GPW Nepal initiated the campaign and gave me the chance to donate blood.”

GPF-Nepal’s initiatives and alliances are crucial for protecting the lives and dignity of the next generation, both boys and girls.

Contribution by Mrs. Bambie Gadon Panta, GPA Nepal