Global Peace Women

Over the years, Global Peace Women has been at the forefront of promoting programs that strengthen families under the tenant: “Peace Begins in the Home.” Through our women-led initiative, families have become building blocks for healthy societies globally. We continue to encourage universal ethical values, the belief that family is the pillar of strong societies, quality character education in children, living as one family under God, and female leadership as essential drivers to achieving peace.

Latin America has been experiencing significant ethical, political, and economic problems that need urgent attention to change the status quo. More often than not, changing these situations is often seen as men’s responsibility. However, guided by their heart, inner strength, and harmony-centered ideologies, we believe that women, too, can be a powerful force to change the future.

Women are equal partners in combating societal issues like corruption. However, they also face many challenges as societal leaders while balancing their irreplaceable roles at home as educators to their children, molding them to become good citizens and ensuring that they get the best possible education.

Women in Latin America and their children are among the most economically and socially vulnerable population. GPW strives to empower women toward economic freedom and self-sufficiency. It is against this backdrop that GPW Uruguay, with the sponsorship of Legacy to the Americas, will hold a virtual Continental Women’s Conference themed “WOMEN: Inspiration and guide for the future” on May 20th, 2023.

Expected to be in attendance are outstanding women from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Uruguay. They will make presentations in three thematic areas that include:

-Women in politics as a force to fight corruption

-The woman defending the good education of her children

-The entrepreneurial woman, promoting economic freedom and self-sufficiency

Register to participate in the event for free on Saturday, May 20th, at 1600 Hours, Uruguay time.

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