Global Peace Women

GPW Uruguay’s COVID-19 Response

Uruguay has been recognized as a model country for civilian and governmental cooperation to take health emergency to prevent the COVID 19 pandemic since March. However, these measures proved to be limited when a new wave of cases surged in June. New governmental efforts encourage civilians to wash hands frequently, use sanitizers and clean surfaces of maximum contact with alcohol. The high demand of these products resulted in an increase of product value, making it difficult for families from low-income households to obtain them. This is particularly true for single mothers who struggle to make ends meet while having to look after the well being and health of their family.

Having collaborated in the past years together to support single mothers from low income households, women from the “Madrinas Por La Vida (godmothers for life)” and GPW Uruguay directed by Nibia Pizzo, once again joined efforts to aid their network of single mothers to offer a weekly COVID-19 preventative workshop.

Over 40 women, many accompanied with their children, joined the weekly workshops and talks, taking turns in groups of 20 every fortnight, to respect the capacity for social distance. These gatherings began on the morning of Wednesday, November 11, 2020, at the chapel “San Jerónimo” in “Punta Gorda,” Montevideo.

Together with the Ministry of Public Health, they were able to deliver 40 packages including alcohol, sanitizers, liquid hand soap, laundry soap, dish soap and health guidelines for prevention.

“Thank you very much for the information and for the products that you have given us,” one of the participants expressed. One of the leading collaborators from “Madrinas Por La Vida” expressed how important this initiative was for these women since they “couldn’t use alcohol because they do not have money to buy them, and these products are expensive these days.”

Mothers want the best for their children, and not being able to provide a clean and safe environment from the dangers of contracting the virus is an every day struggle. This program was able to support these families, not only through the supply drive, but through sharing best practices they could take to keep their home environment healthy. Although it’s unclear how long will we have to take preventative measures against the virus, Nibia Pizzo is committed to continue working though GPW Uruguay and the synergy built with “Madrinas Por La Vida” to support the mothers who participated in the program through future trainings and campaigns for a sustainable life.

Just like we’ve all experienced in 2020, there will be setbacks and barriers along the way, and some greater than others. But remember that what we decide to do with our current circumstances is what defines who we are. I hope you begin this year with much more hope and a determination to making 2021 a remarkable year for you, your family and your community.