Global Peace Women

Learning Teamwork and Upcycling with Extended Family

There is a saying, “What is junk to someone is a treasure to others.”

This summer, a group of cousins and friends gathered at the Global Peace Women office in Seattle learned how to upcycle and to turn junk into garbage. Upcycling turns items that are no longer use with a creativity, into something new.

The environmentally conscious and crafty cousins worked together to figure out how to turn sock tops into pretty coasters and pot holders that they could gift to

neighbors and friends.

The team worked together to figure out the process, discussing, trying, failing and trying again. “It was fun working together on a project that would upcycle something I never thought about.” One of cousins reflected.

“No problem is too hard when you have each other,” reflected another.

Upcycling has quite a number of advantages. Here are a few:

• Create a masterpiece by adapting what you have but no longer need.

• Use your creativity and innovation.

• Save money by repurposing raw materials that you already have.

• Reduce environmental waste.

• Create unique décor for your home and office.

The simple project brought together family and friends to learn a new environmentally friendly skill.

We all share responsibility to care for and protect the environment. At GPW, we are inspired by this group of Sunshine Family volunteers who embraced team work in their endeavor to learn something new and care for the environment through upcycling. It has made us understand the true meaning of the anonymous saying that “what is junk to someone is a treasure to others”.

If you have a Sunshine Family Volunteer story to share or your family wants to start a project, email