Global Peace Women

Light for Life

Youth leadership is an important part of development process in any society. Building leadership skills in the youth allows them to analyze their strengths and weaknesses, build their confidence, set personal goals and also have the motivation to action their dreams and vision. At GPW, we are keen on providing platforms for youth to network and be empowered through education initiatives that build their leadership capacities.

Between the months of May and July 2022, Tahmina Supti, a GPWLA graduate from Bangladesh sought to engage students aged between 16 to 24 years old who live in Gazipur City in her country in a leadership capacity building training to promote social change. The project dubbed “Light for Life: Advance Leadership Adventure Training” begun upon her receipt of the Global Women’s Dream Grant in March 2022 a GPW and Service for Peace Korea joint initiative.

The project began with Tahmina recruiting volunteers and 57 participants in the month of May. The team the proceeded to introduce the participants to the GPW vision of ‘One Family under God’ before embarking on their first lesson on the topic of moral and mature leadership. During the three months, participants were taken through lessons on decision making, problem solving, stress management, communication skills and participation and sharing, receiving and processing feedback.

In addition, the project also empowered the participants to be moral and innovative leaders who are capable of transforming their community, nation, and the world. It promoted social cohesion among the participants and provided them with a platform to explore personal growth.

Light for Life

“This project was able to give young people a truly trustworthy platform where they could work on their self-development and find ways of initiating and making sustainable changes in the society,” Tahmina stated.

The project also provided Tahmina an opportunity to recruit volunteers for her GPW Sunshine Family Volunteers club from among the service minded youths and their families who participated. The project closed on 1st of July when Tahmina and the members of her SFV club gathered to present awards, prizes and certificates to the outstanding participants.

Light for Life

“I had a wonderful experience with Light for Life. I volunteered with my friends. We worked and enjoyed every happy moment. The participants were absolutely dedicated and happy and we were able to build a strong bond with them. Thank you Global peace Women and Tahmina for giving me this opportunity,” shared Nodi, one of the volunteers who participated in the project.

Participants hailed the project for providing them with skills that will enhance their participation in tackling and changing local community problems in Gazipur, Bangladesh. Thanking Light for Life for selecting her to participate in the wonderful project, Monayem Sarker reported to have gained communication and problem solving skills from the training. For Tahmina, the project served as a learning experience as well.

“The project enhanced my leadership skill and helped me develop in other spheres like communication skill and teamwork. I am now more adaptable, open-minded and confident,” she said.

The project post survey recorded a 100% growth in leadership skills as compared to the initial 40% from the pre-project survey.