Global Peace Women

Newlyweds Start Married Life in Service

Sonoka’s Family, Japan (FVP Story 2021.)

Sonoka is enjoying her sweet honeymoon phase of her newlywed life. Recently, she and her husband added a special milestone to their life together, their very first service project through the Family Volunteer for Peace initiative.

Sonoka said “At first, I did not know what family volunteering was and how to start.” But the couple read through the Toolkit, and were able to start their project. Walking through the steps in the Toolkit, Sonoka and her husband were able to spend time as a couple, thinking about the values they want their family to have, talking about issues they see in the world and coming up with creative and meaningful ways to take action together. Through the process, Sonoka realized that when volunteering, it is important to consider the needs of others before thinking about the volunteer activity.

Sonoka and her husband talked in depth about poverty in developing countries. In the end, they decided to create a template for Global Peace Women’s Giving Box campaign. The campaign is encouraging families to support women and families in Nepal, Uganda and the Philippines who are serving their communities.

Sonoka and her husband’s labor of love is helping families around the world start their own Giving Box and share their care across national bounds. They put their custom colored Giving Box in a special place in their home, where they are investing over time, to give to the women and their communities in Nepal, Uganda and the Philippines.