Global Peace Women


On June 19, 2024 Global Peace Women (GPW) Sunshine Family Volunteers held an inaugural session of the Team Leaders’ Learning Circle, emphasizing the integral role of women in fostering peace within families, communities, and the world. Seven SFV Team Leaders took part in the training and were equipped with skills on leading family service, SFV clubs and project management. The essence of the training lay in the concept that peacebuilding starts within the home and highlighted the power women hold in shaping peaceful environments through their roles as mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters.

“Our first task, I believe, is to encourage and empower women in their unique roles in the family,” said Hanako Ikeno, GPW president.

The session delved into the educational aspect of peacebuilding, illustrating how GPW empowers women with knowledge and skills to lead peace initiatives. The educational activities included discussions and reflective exercises that encouraged participants to internalize and apply peacebuilding principles in their daily lives.

GPW’s approach is rooted in values-based models, emphasizing that peace begins with the mindset and attitudes of individuals. This approach involves cultivating essential qualities such as empathy, respect, and shared responsibilities, which are crucial for ethical and cohesive societies. The session highlighted how these values translate into actions that promote peaceful relationships and leadership within families and communities.

A significant learning point from the event was the emphasis on the family as the foundational unit for peace. The family is seen as the first school of love and character development, where individuals learn to forge relationships across differences. By strengthening family bonds and promoting healthy communication, GPW aims to create a ripple effect that extends to broader society.

“The family is the place where every aspect of human potential comes into full realization.” she added.

The session showcased the unique role women play in peacebuilding, leveraging their natural abilities to create nurturing environments. Women’s leadership is not confined to the household but extends to community and global levels. The event emphasized the need for women to embrace their God-given qualities, enhancing their self-confidence and resilience, which are crucial for effective peacebuilding.

One of the practical examples discussed was the importance of intergenerational communication. In societies experiencing rapid urbanization, such as Mongolia, maintaining connections between generations can mitigate challenges faced by young women, such as early single parenthood. This example highlighted how family support network can reinforce values and provide guidance, contributing to overall societal stability.

GPW’s approach to empowerment involves a dual focus on ‘software’ (values, character, and leadership) and ‘hardware’ (practical skills and tools). This holistic development ensures that women are not only equipped with the internal qualities necessary for peacebuilding but also with the practical skills needed to implement these values effectively in their communities.

The event also emphasized the importance of collaboration between men and women in peacebuilding. By fostering understanding and cooperation, GPW aims to harness the complementary qualities of both genders to create innovative and effective solutions for peace. This collaborative effort is seen as essential for achieving sustainable peace and prosperity.

“This Learning circle for SFV Team Leaders was a much needed session for us as we have gained more knowledge, guidance, and had the opportunity to interact with team leaders from other countries,” Shristika Bajracharya one of the Team Leaders shared.

The Learning Circle was more than just an event—it was a call to action. By emphasizing the critical role of women and families in peacebuilding, the participants were reminded how individual transformations can lead to broader societal change. The learning aspects of the event, focusing on values-based education, empowerment, and collaborative efforts, provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of how to contribute to peace within their own spheres of influence.

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