Global Peace Women

Project Saksham Empowers Girls and Boys with Moral and Innovative Leadership

Project Saksham Empowers Girls and Boys

Saksham means “capable” in Nepali. In March of 2022, Global Peace Women Nepal and partnership with Global Peace Foundation Nepal, launched Project Saksham, a leadership and life skills training program for girls based on the Global Peace Values Framework.

Volunteer mentors facilitate the 12-week course on moral and innovative leadership, teaching important values and skills such as living for others, responsibility, rapport building, communication, and self-discipline. Through mentorship and a variety of activities like discussions, team building exercises, sports and service, the program cultivates character and life skills important for leadership in all areas of life: family, school, community and profession.

The program has trained 13 volunteers who are implementing the program at the Chhahari Girls Hostel, that houses young women ages 10 to 17 and Bal Sarathi Academy. Currently 40 girls and boys are enrolled in the program.

Pragya Subedi, a volunteer and mentor reflected, “Being a volunteer in Project Saksham, I have seen many good changes in me. I can see myself grow and strive to be better. I have seen myself growing beyond my periphery. Teaching the girls has brought patience in me. I have felt happiness in teaching and imparting to them what I know and the love they give me in return is priceless. Through it all, I have learned a lot in 2 months, and seeing the girls applying the learnings and values we taught them in their daily lives feels overwhelming and I believe they will live their lives happily.”

As Pragya’s reflection shows, the program is cultivating individuals are Saksham, “capable”, of fostering peace in themselves, in their daily lives, families and communities.

If you would like to know more about the GWD, please email for dates and proposals. Global Peace Women International announces open call for the Global Women Dream (GWD) grant proposals twice a year (March & September). To follow Global Peace Women Nepal’s activities connect to their Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter.