Global Peace Women

The Korean Dream is a Family Affair

Wonmoon’s Family, Korea (FVP Story 2021.)

On a hiking trip Won Moon and her family started giving high-fives to other hikers. When the hikers stopped for the high-fives, Wonmoon’s family also asked, “What do you think of Korean reunification?” The impromptu idea came from a family who cares deeply about Korean reunification. “We were thinking what else we can do to raise awareness,” recalls Wonmoon.

Wonmoon’s family has been involved with efforts to bring about Korean reunification since she was in middle school. The ‘high-five’ awareness idea is one of the many efforts that she and her family have done. The creativity and adventure driven by their desire to bring peace translates to her life to this day.

In university, Wonmoon started the “Peace Creator” project. “These small thoughts gathered around and when I had the opportunity and time to actually do something, I created the Peace Creator project,” said Wonmoon. ‘Peace Creator’ was Wonmoon’s GPWLA capstone project. Inspired by her family, the program sought to inspire youth about the vision for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula through video making..

Through developing and implementing the project with GWPLA, Wonmoon embraced her desire for Korean reunification even more. She faced many challenges, including COVID19 restrictions, moving the program online. But, she rose above the challenges and reached students from 8 different countries. Wonmoon says the experience made her more confident. “I have faced a lot of challenges through this project. But, I realized that no matter what challenges we face, we can overcome them if we have a clear goal and passion.”

Inspired by her family’s involvement with the Action for Korea United and other Korea reunification related work, Won Moon keeps on. It is inspiring to see her carry her parent’s dream, and her determination to realize the vision of a united Korea. What an example of family service.