Global Peace Women

I am a peacebuilder, because I believe peace is the way of life and a true form of happiness. Smarika KC

In 2020, GPW Nepal conducted a 12-week program entitled, “Capacity Building of Peacebuilders,” sponsored by the Mercer Island Rotary Club in collaboration with GPW Nepal and Rotary Club of Bhadgaon.

More than 75 youth participated in the program. The program had weekly webinars featuring experts, speakers and peacemakers from different parts of the world focused on building peacebuilding capacities: covering conflict resolution, proposal writing and leadership skills.

We are hopeful to see young people’s commitment towards peace for a better world. Their actions, thoughts and passion motivate us to build a peaceful environment and culture starting from our own homes.

The program also launched the “I am a Peacebuilder” campaign, encouraging individuals to share their peacebuilding pledge. We are overwhelmed by these peacebuilding efforts and responses.

Here are some of our favorites.

Dr. Soonok Kang, President of GPW International spoke on “Peace Begins in the Home” and 5 important components of GPW peacebuilding. Participants discussed the interconnectedness of peacebuilding in the home and in society, acknowledging the importance of what we first learn and create in the home.

The program yielded 5 peacebuilding projects selected from participant proposals addressing different thematic areas related to peacebuilding in the community.